C.S. Talley at the Fechin | Arts | taosnews.com

2022-07-15 19:57:47 By : Mr. Gang Qian

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'St. Francis de Asis Ranchos'

'St. Francis de Asis Ranchos'

The Taos Art Museum at Fechin House (TAM) is hosting an intriguing exhibit in the Fechin Studio of work from C.S. Talley, an artist with a degree in astronomy and a career in the sciences. The exhibit, which is up from June 28 through August 7, is titled “From Scientist to Artist: Trading Physics for Paint.” There is a reception scheduled Saturday July 2 from 1 to 3 p.m. with libations and nibbles.

Tempo invited the artist to talk about his unique background, creative process, inspirations and more. Here are the edited highlights.

How does your science background come to play in your creative life?

I have a bachelor’s degree in Astronomy with a minor in physics, and also pursued a master’s in Space Systems Engineering but did not complete it because of a job change. One of my professors was Dr. John Archibald Wheeler. He was a theoretical physicist and the reason we all use the term 'black hole' today. I can’t say that I use my science background in my art career, but I have always used my creative thought processes in both careers. People who know me as an artist often scratch their heads when they learn of my science background. They think the two are mutually exclusive. However, to me,  they are not. I saw the 'art' in science because of Dr. John Wheeler. True science is like standing in front of a large blank canvas waiting to be painted. The artist scientist is at the crossroads of explaining the universe they experience. One has mathematics and observations. The other has paint and a brush and observations. How do you 'see' the universe and your relation to it? 

What is your creative process? 

I get ideas by being in the car and travelling and/or by walking to a specific location and seeing compositions which are just arrangements of light and shadow on the landscape. Then translate those seen images (memorized and/or photographed) onto a virtual canvas in my head and someday that becomes the actual painting. Most of my nocturnes are fictional in that the shape of an adobe house and the landscape elements arranged in the painting do not exist. The values and colors in  nocturnes are fictional. They are not the colors of night, but you may think they are. 

I paint on linen, and use oil paint, water soluble oils, to avoid mineral spirits, thinner. I use synthetic brushes because real bristle brushes go limp in water. I may under paint, I may not. Then, I draw my design with either charcoal or water soluble pencil. I use a limited palette of colors...white, the primaries and I throw in Phthalo green and/or Payne’s Gray. Phthalo colors do not intimidate me. I’ve used a fast-dry medium because I need the paint to dry quickly. I paint Alla prima and do ninety percent of my work in the studio. The other ten percent is Plein air. Ninety-nine percent of the frames are gold. I buy readymade frames. I attend live figure drawing sessions. I find the more I draw the figure, the better my landscape paintings get. 

How did you discover Taos? 

I discovered Taos through the literature I read in an elective anthropology course taken in college titled The American Plains Indians. Two years after obtaining my bachelor’s degree and before being married, I took a road trip visiting most of the states west of the Mississippi River and then into Alberta and British Columbia, Canada. I visited lots of museums where I saw the works of the Taos Society of Artists and camped in lots of national forests and parks and stayed for some time in Santa Fe and Taos. 

On that trip, I met my future wife, Ginette, who is Canadian, and promised her she would get to see her family in Canada every year. So, we drove every summer to Alberta, and we always stayed at the RV park on Este Es Road here in Taos. These trips made us more and more familiar with Taos. Six years ago, through a series of fortuitous events, I ended up building an adobe home in El Prado — The rest, as they say, is history.

The Taos Art Museum at Fechin House (TAM) is hosting an exhibit in the Fechin Studio of work from C.S. Talley. The exhibit, which is up from June 28 through August 7, is titled “From Scientist to Artist: Trading Physics for Paint.” There is a reception scheduled Saturday July 2 from 1 to 3 p.m. with libations and nibbles.

Fore more info, visit their website taosartmuseum.org

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